Missions & Evangelism - PCH’s outreach ministry whose purpose is to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the members and the community. The purpose of the Missions and Evangelism is to relate the social concerns of the community, as well as the larger mission-oriented needs and goals of the church to the congregation, so that they can be kept informed of these needs and encouraged to address them both individually and collectively. This department is
Christian Education
PCH’s ministry dedicated to the spiritual growth and development of members of all ages through the power of God’s Word. Components and events within this ministry includes: I Love Sunday School Department, School Supply Give-Away, Membership Classes, Pentecostal Tabernacle Bible Institute (a training institute for deacons, minister, missionaries, evangelist, ushers, and etc.) and College Ministry.
Women of Faith
The vision of Women of Faith’s Ministry is to fulfill Christ mission such as to evangelize, encourage, learning and teaching the word of God. To worship, serve and involve ourselves in the community. To educate and provide information to develop a more effective way to meet woman needs with God and everyday life.
Our goal is to bring together women of all ages and different origins to develop spiritual and natural enhancements for a better tomorrow.
Our ministry designed to address the needs and concerns of the women within our church and in the community. Components of this ministry include monthly Women’s Gatherings, Women Arresting Revival, Single Women Ministry, and Mother’s Club.
Men of Valor
Men seeking the kingdom of God. We are leaders who are challenged to take our rightful place in our daily walk with God, our local assembly, and our homes.
We are men who cannot lead from the rear. We know that men deserve our true determination. Our children need our leadership, and our local assembly cries our for our faithfulness. Men must love and respect God and each other according to John 3:16.
Our ministry designed to address the needs and concerns of the males within our church and in the community. Components of this ministry include monthly Men’s Gatherings, Teen leadership Retreat (for men only), Prison ministry, and employment and educational training assistance.
Music and Fine Arts
The mission and purpose of this ministry is to enhance the direction and implement the arts to enhance the worship of God within the church and to further the gospel to the world outside the church. This will be accomplished by creating and implementing the performing arts program and assisting in producing outreach productions of the church, thereby furthering evangelistic efforts of the church. Our ministry designed to praise and worship God through the music arts. Auxiliaries include Dance Ministries, Transformers
(Children choir), and Voices of Pentecost (Adult Choir), and Drama
Youth Ministry
The basic responsibility of the youth ministry is to provide direction for the youth in a Christian way, by giving them alternatives to peer pressure. The youth ministry should help them to enjoy their youth in a safe and Christian environment. Encourage them to live a life that is expectable to God and not expectable to peers and fads.
The youth ministry dedicated to ministering to the physical, educational and spiritual needs of those between the ages of birth and 20 years old. Components of this ministry include: The Titus II Mentoring program, Rites of Passage Program, monthly Youth nights and outings.